Author: Tom Cottrill | Date Posted: Jan 5, 2022
It’s everyone’s favorite time of year: 2022 budgeting. Woo hoo! Setting a budget for creating a website can be difficult. Whether you started working on your budgets months ago or procrastinated and are just getting started, you might wonder how much to allocate to your web development initiatives. While we can’t really help you with some magic number (sorry), we can help you understand what goes into a web dev project and some of the costs you need to consider.
And while we’re on the subject, you might be wondering if you should be even worrying about a budget for creating a website in 2022. Yes. The answer is yes. 88% of customers say they are less likely to return to a site if they have a bad user experience. What impacts a customer’s experience on your site?
Since no two web dev projects are the same, it’s so hard to nail down estimates. But, to budget for your 2022 projects think about the following questions:
Price will be impacted based on what you need and how much customization your site will require. Just some of the more common factors that can impact the price of a web development project include the extent of customization, the need for integrations with a CMS or other platform, graphic design elements, content optimization, and ADA accessibility.
By knowing your website and your goals, you can set a budget that will allow you the flexibility to create a website or improvements to your current website that helps you improve your ROI, grow your community, generate leads, or build authority. Prioritize your requirements and budget for the items that will make the most impact.
Not sure what those items are? We can help! Let Ignitro help walk you through your web development goals for 2022 and help you decide what will have the most significant impact for the smallest budget.
Since 2013, Ignitro Studios has been working to blend marketing and technology in support of agencies and other marketers. By understanding both sides of web development, we have a unique perspective and advantage within the industry. We provide design, development, project management, QA, and strategy, driving the bus so our clients don’t have to. We will work with our clients to get results while also empowering them to do their job better. Learn more about Ignitro Studios.