Author: Tom Cottrill | Date Posted: Mar 15, 2022
Website conversion rates are a very heavily tracked and important metric in the marketing world. If you are actively tracking and improving your marketing efforts, conversion rates of your website are critical. To actively improve conversion rate on a website, you need to first be tracking them to see what they even are, and then steps should be taken to make sure the conversion rates are sitting around where you need them to be to keep up with industry standards, make sure your website is working for you, and improve your marketing ROI.
Before we talk about average website conversion rates, it is important to mention that different industries and websites with different functions will convert at various rates. What this means is websites with high-ticket items that have to go through a longer process will convert at a much lower rate than a site selling $20 handbags and baby shoes (or any other lower dollar item ecommerce site like that). The buyer’s journey for these sites differ, so the conversion rate will as well. In terms of B2B sites, legal services and media companies have the highest conversion rates at 7.4% and 10%, respectively. In the ecommerce industry, food and drink products and arts and crafts retailers come in at 3.58% and 4.01%, respectively.
That being said, the average website conversion rate across all industries is 2.1% on desktop and 3.32% on mobile. This means that for every 100 website visitors you get, you can expect to convert 2-3 of those customers. To be sitting around this average, depending on the industry, means you have a pretty good conversion rate on your website.
It’s impossible to know that your conversion rates need to be improved without knowing what they even are. It may feel like you need more customers, but your website conversion rate might be spot-on while other areas of marketing or sales need improvement. That’s why it’s important to track all aspects of your marketing campaigns to see what is performing well, what needs to be improved, and what should be tossed altogether.
So, implementing analytics software like Google Analytics is important for being able to track these metrics. Set up Goals or ecommerce tracking to track traffic and conversions. You can also use this to track bounce rates, and a website heatmap tool like Hotjar can help show you exactly where they are engaging and converting and precisely where they are bouncing.
Marketing and conversion tracking are both all about testing and tracking—and then testing and tracking some more. Improving ROI and lowering risk in your marketing campaigns is done by experimentation with the right background and knowledge. A/B tests should be done simultaneously, and it’s best to have at least one running on your site at all times. Some elements that should be A/B tested are headlines, page layouts, navigation, offers and CTAs, various media on each page, and even two completely separate approaches. This can be done by having two different landing pages and rolling them both out in different ads or locations or by using Google Optimize.
Long forms with too many fields will cause visitors who start filling out the form to bounce really quickly. You should only be asking for relevant information. Name, email, reason for message (or answer to a question, whatever your form purpose is). According to Entrepreneur, adding just one additional field increased bounce rate by 11%.
A website that pulls a visitor in too many directions or gives too many options will not be successful in converting them. A landing page should be clear and concise and not draw visitors to anywhere but the specific CTA you are fulfilling (getting an email address or a contact). Guide the visitor with clean navigation and layout, and make sure you don’t have distractions floating around on the page either. A good way to see if you are distracting your visitor is by using the heatmaps you’ve installed on your page. If they drift off at the same spot most of the time and don’t come back, it’s probably because something drove them to leave the page.
Make sure your copy is clean and clear with no jargon that visitors have to try to decipher. Localizing your content can help you perform better in local searches, but if your company is one that works nationally, this isn’t necessary. Clean copy includes putting CTAs in the right locations that flow naturally and guide them through the buyer’s journey without them having to put a ton of thought into it. The content should provide value at all times, whether it’s telling them your company’s value or educating them on something that will help them.
If your CTAs are generic and don’t give a clear idea of what the visitor will get when they click, they won’t have as high of conversion rates as you might like. Studies have shown that adding “Yes” and “No” in your option buttons have a psychological impact on the website visitor. The options may be “Yes, send me my discount!” or “No thanks, I don’t want to save money.” Lots of websites spice it up or make them silly to get the user’s attention, but the heatmaps can also tell you when users are avoiding your CTAs and that they need help.
A majority of your website visitors are going to be coming from mobile devices. This means that if your site isn’t mobile friendly, a majority of users are going to be really inconvenienced by your site. The layout, buttons, forms, and menus should all fit well on a mobile device and also make sense on a mobile device. This means that you should use buttons for CTAs instead of links because they don’t show up as well on mobile, and while the offer will be the same, it will show up differently.
Offering social proof on your website, such as testimonials, reviews, portfolios, etc, can increase conversion significantly (sometimes up to 400%). This proof can also include case studies, tests and studies, number of customers if you have a really big number that makes you proud, and even demos of your product or videos that show what it can do when it’s in action!
A value proposition makes it clear to a visitor why they should buy your product or subscribe to your services. It tells them exactly what they benefits are for them and why it’s worth the money. A visitor shouldn’t have to really dig to determine what they can get from spending money with you. Value proposition can come out all throughout your content, including your blogs, headlines, images, and page copy, and should tell the customer why they should choose you (what makes your product or service unique) and what makes you different. They might like how the clothes you sell look, but what makes them different (different materials, donating to a specific charity, a free gift with their purchase, etc).
Create urgency with offers that run out in a certain amount of time to drive the visitor to make the purchase sooner rather than later. If they sit on it and think about it for too long, they may forget and never convert or, even worse, end up with a competitor because they never ended up back on your website. By creating urgency, it makes them want to make that purchase right then and there and lowers the chance of losing the conversion.
While creating urgency, it can help to minimize risk for the buyer with a money-back guarantee or a long-term warranty that helps them avoid risk. This can cause them to choose your product over another company’s because the risk isn’t so high, but it also helps ease their mind and limit the amount of research and navigating off your page they have to do to make sure it’s the right choice for their budget and needs—and helps you secure that sale.
The above tips help you improve your conversion rate organically and helps improve the ROI of all your marketing efforts. If you’re spending a large budget on ads that go to a landing page that is not set up to convert well, you’re not only wasting the money you’re spending to build and maintain your website, but you’re also wasting the money on the ads—and those leads you’re losing. Don’t burn leads by sending them to a website that drives them right back off the page, because oftentimes once they’ve bounced your page they won’t ever come back to check it out later.
Since 2013, Ignitro Studios has been working to blend marketing and technology in support of agencies and other marketers. By understanding both sides of web development, we have a unique perspective and advantage within the industry. We provide design, development, project management, QA, and strategy, driving the bus so our clients don’t have to. We will work with our clients to get results while also empowering them to do their job better. Learn more about Ignitro Studios.